Category Archives: Miscarriage

HSG results are in…


So I had an HSG (the dye test) on Thursday and got the unofficial results today. According to the nurse, all looks normal. There were no complications from the surgery, whew! When we last met with the Doc he told us that he recommended that we wait a cycle after the D&C to do another round of fertility treatments…I asked the nurse today if we could try on our own this month, and she said YES! So we won’t have to waste this cycle!

So off to the drugstore I go to purchase the Ovulation Kits! Oh, and I go Thursday for acupuncture, so hopefully the timing is right!!

Photo clarification: That is a uterus which also happens to resemble UT’s longhorn. I am a graduate of UT and still a huge fan! Hook ‘Em!

Oh Happy Day!!! Aunt Flo came early!


Aunt Flo came earlier than expected! Last Thursday I finally got a negative HCG result after a miscarriage, and the doctors were guessing that it would be another 4-6 weeks before I get my period. Thankfully they were WRONG… hopefully in a month I’ll be giving myself shots again, IUIs, vaginal sonograms, and scheduled intercourse…can you believe I am actually looking forward to this!?! Hey it is all worth it in the end!

So today I made a trip to the pharmacy to pick up my ironic combo purchase of tampons and pre-natal vitamins (after a year and a half I should be okay with it, but I’m not)!

I have emailed Axis Acupuncture and am wanting to get started ASAP to make sure those ovaries are good and ready for when the time comes!

Thanks for all the well wishes and fertility vibes! Keep ’em coming!