Monthly Archives: September 2008

Happy Birthday, Puggers!!

Our furbabies turn 4 this week! Vader’s birthday was Saturday and Tank’s is Tuesday, so we celebrated on Sunday! They are the sweetest and cutest furry babies anyone could ever ask for!

Happy birthday, Tank and Vader!!!!! 


Cuteness x2!!!!!!!

Can you tell they are focused on a treat?! They will do anything for food!

Texas Fight!

Texas whipped up on Arkansas today with a 52-10 victory! Hook ‘Em!

Blakeley even came and hung out for a bit before her nap! She was just too darn cute!


“Go Texas!!!”

Our tailgate is kickin’ it up a notch with a schnazzy new flat screen TV!!! Yeah! 

The Pickin’ Party…

…rocked!! Extremely talented songwriters gathered last night to benefit The Longevity Foundation.  Amy’s dad was one of the hosts and did a fabulous job…he had the crowd laughing as he introduced the songwriters. Paul Overstreet, Scotty Emerick and Dean shared their stories of how they came up with many of the songs that they have written for country stars such as George Strait and Toby Keith.  It was a great show! 

We were able to snap a few pics with some of the guests and stars of the show! Thank you, Amy, for a fantastic evening!

Paul and Scotty with the girls!


Darrell K Royal…Hook ‘Em Horns!

Getting back to normal…

Last weekend we went to Norman, OK for my Grandfather’s funeral.  Although no one looks forward to a funeral, the weekend was beautiful…the 5 grandchildren were able to reminisce as we compiled memories to share at the service, we were able to visit with a lot of family that we do not get to see very often, and the services were beautiful and such a wonderful tribute to sweet Granddaddy.  

Dinner on Sunday


Blakeley being sweet as ever.

UPDATE: My assistant and co-workers at school took care of everything while I was gone…they are AWESOME…THANK YOU!  I would say I am about 98% back to normal after the surgery.  I go in next Wednesday for my post-op and am hoping to chat with him about our next step. Stay tuned…

The doc and nurse are in…

Tank and Vader are taking extra special care of their momma!

Thank goodness for pain meds and laptops!!

All the pain meds that were given to me at the hospital wore off last night…needless to say I didn’t sleeo very well! During a laparoscopy, they pump your abdomen full of carbon dioxide and after the procedure it releases and causes back and shoulder pain….that started last night.  A heating pad helps ease the pain.  I popped my first pain pill this morning and am very thankful for them! 

As I type from bed, I am extremely thankful for my laptop and wireless internet! I can only watch so much TV and reading right now is putting me to sleep, so surfing the web and blogging is fantastic!

The Today Show is doing a series on Infertility…if you are interested, it provides some success stories and basic information and info on newer procedures like ICSI.

Results from Laparoscopy…

I am back and in bed recovering from my Laparoscopy.  I haven’t had much time to think about the surgery lately, but last night I began to contemplate…what if he doesn’t find anything and we are doing this for no reason other than the explore thus giving us no explanation for why the treatments aren’t working.

After a crazy potty party last night due to medications that were to empty my system, I woke up STARVING and THIRSTY. Gotta follow those rules and not eat after midnight.  Well it turned out that I actually didn’t eat after 1:00 yesterday at lunch because I was trying to prepare for me being away from school. So to say that I was STARVING is an understatement…I love food!

And now for the resulsts…ENDO was back and bigger than ever.  Both of my ovaries were stuck to the fallopian tubes.  Well there you go…no reason to worry last night.  This is why the injectibles weren’t working.  I had a Lap approx 16 months ago, so it returned pretty quickly.  My OBGYN who performed my first one said that endo can return in 1 1/2 –  2 years.  It sure did. 

Now I am trying to figure out our next step.  The doc said he would allow us to do a quick injecible cycle, but doesn’t want to wait long because it will come back again.  He wants to see me pregant before the holidays.  So  next step is either IVF or injectibles. Gary got the impression that he wants to work quickly before it comes back again.

I am very sleepy, but can’t seem to go to sleep, so I decided to let y’all know how it went.  Thanks for all your well wishes.  They mean so much to me!

Celeb central at the Palazzo!!!!!

The Grand Opening of LAVO Nightclub was this past weekend at the Palazzo (where we were staying).  The red carpet was rolled out and we were expecting a few celebs, but did not anticipate the caliber of celebs that showed up! To list just a few…

Nicky and Paris Hilton, Angie Harmon, Amanda Beard, Busta Ryhmes,, Slash, Shannon Doherty, Mario Lopez, Bar Rafaeli, and many more.  

To top it off we actually talked to McSexy Taye Diggs as we were leaving the hotel! He was just getting in from the night and we were leaving for the airport at 7:00AM.  The conversation went like this…

Taye: Wow, we are just getting in and y’all are leaving.

Us: Looks like you had a much better night than we did!!!

Me: (thinking OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He is a hottie!!)

We were excited to see Taye, but are bummed that we did not hang out and stalk the celebs because of our early flight.  I think Gary is in a state of depression that he did not lay eyes on Bar Rafaeli. Next time, we will research all openings and be prepared ahead of time.

What happens in Vegas…

We were in Vegas this weekend with G’s brother, Joe.  He invited us to be part of a very special occasion! On Friday night, Joe popped the question to Angela and she said…YES! We are so excited for them and were so touched to be included in this weekend.  We all met up at the Sportsbook (formerly known as JayZ’s 40/40 Club). Angela’s brother, JC, and his wife were also there and is ws go great getting to spend time with them…they are so fun! Ang didn’t know what was about to happen in this photo…we were all playing it cool here as to not spoil the surprise!



Gary, Suz, Thia, Joe, Angela, JC



So happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Then we all went to LAVO, the new bar inside Palazzo, to celebrate! We danced the night away…

We spent most of Saturday livin’ the Cabana lifetsyle…there is no turning back now, I am completely spoiled!

Enjoying pooltime!

Saturday night we had FRONT ROW seats at Phantom of the Opera at the Venitian.  What a show!  

A big thank you to Joe for including us in his special weekend.  We had so much fun and are excited for you both! Welcome to the fam, Ang!!!!!

Goodbye, Granddaddy.

While surrounded by family, last night my grandfather passed away.  I will always remember his witty one liners, abundant knowledge of geography, endless love of tennis, our UT vs OU rivalry, his , summer and christmas visits to Norman, OK,  and his unconditional love of family. I have learned so much from him and cherished our visits. Although, I will miss him dearly, I know that there is another Angel up there watching over us.

I love you.

James Fred Reed

August 28, 1915-September 10, 2008